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Filter and search subscription forms


Learn how to use filters and search queries to organize your subscription forms.

There are several ways to organize, filter, and search your landing pages. You can filter your existing landing pages by Label and by Status, and search by name or any keywords.

To filter and search your subscription forms:

  1. On the menu bar, click Growth Tools > Subscription forms.

  2. Click the Filter by label drop-down menu that appears above the list of subscription forms to select one of the available labels that you have added to any of your forms.

  3. Click the Filter by status drop-down menu to select one of the following subscription form statuses:


    Filtering by status can provide you with useful information about important actions you might need to take regarding your subscription forms.

    • All - displays all subscription forms.

    • Incomplete - displays subscription forms that are still unpublished and in the process of being completed.

    • Published - displays published subscription forms.

    • Unpublished - displays subscription forms that are completely created but are unpublished.

  4. Use the search bar to search by name or by keywords to quickly find a specific subscription form.