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Walkthrough: Verifying your existing recipients for GDPR


Verify your existing recipients for GDPR by setting up a double opt-in and creating a segment for recipients who have not been verified through the double opt-in process.

To verify existing subscribers for GDPR, you first set up new subscribers to go through a double opt-in process. Then, you create a segment for existing subscribers who have not been verified through the double opt-in process, and ask for their consent.

This walkthrough describes how to:

  • Set up your email list for soft double opt-in

  • Create a segment for unverified recipients

Set up your email list for soft double opt-in

To set up soft double opt-in for your email list:

  1. On the menu bar, click Audience > Email lists.

  2. Click the email list that you want to set up.

  3. On the menu on the left, click Set your settings.

  4. Navigate to the Opt in settings and click Soft double opt-in.

  5. Fill out the following fields:

    • "From" name - select the email address that you want to display as the sender.

    • Subject line - enter the email message title, for example, Confirm your subscription to <name of email list>.

    • Message - check the default confirmation message. You can edit the HTML message as needed. Make sure that you include the #VerificationLink# tag.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Navigate to the Landing page URL field, enter the URL of your confirmation page and click Save.

Create a segment for unverified recipients

To create a segment for unverified recipients:

  1. On the menu on the left, click Segments.

  2. Click Create New.

  3. Click Create custom segment.

  4. In the Segment name field, enter a name.

  5. In the Fetch field, select the following options:

    • In the first drop-down list, to select all the matching recipients, click All.

    • In the second drop-down list, to fetch contacts that match all the criteria, click All.

  6. In the Rules field, select the following options:

    • In the first drop-down list, click Verified for Double Opt-In.

    • In the second drop-down list, click Is false.

  7. Click Save segment.

When you have segmented your email list, you can contact the non-verified subscribers by including them in a campaign, and asking them to re-subscribe to your email list. Everyone who re-subscribes receives the confirmation e-mail you created, confirming their consent. Because the segment is dynamic, every subscriber who gets verified is automatically removed from the segment.